Our Unique Artworks

PhotosForGifts.com—The Online Art Museum™ displays our uniquely original artworks in a format that has emerged from the long-standing dream of Paul and Sophia Lengyel Rogers to nourish, sustain, and uplift the human spirit of ALL people everywhere™.

We have both always deeply enjoyed and appreciated art, music, philosophy, history, reading, and thoughtful conversation about the human condition. We have been blessed with eight healthy, curious, and creative children, whom we have always encouraged to appreciate the rich blessings of life that our family has received. We have always also encouraged them to remember that not everyone has been similarly blessed and that we have a moral obligation to relate creatively with all humans. PhotosForGifts.com arose out of our deeply felt desire to “give back to otherswhatever we can that might help enrich their own lives.

As Johann von Goethe, the legendary 18th century German writer and statesman once said, All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, until they take root in our personal experience.” Since a voluminous reservoir of wisdom has been handed down to us—from previous generations of thinkers, writers, artists, and others who have been creatively inspired—setting forth profound insights about the deeper dimensions of life, at PhotosForGifts.com we have decided to combine beautiful photographs with powerful quotations.

The results are our unique designs of artworks. This is our effort to do our part—as others have done their part—to help nourish, sustain, and uplift the human spirit of ALL people everywhere™Our defining purpose is always to bring together in our unique artwork designs beautiful photographs and powerful quotations that we hope and trust will spark your own creative insights and will enrich your own lives.

At PhotosForGifts.com we have carefully matched each photograph and each quotation set forth in our artworks. We hope they will stimulate your own thinking, feeling, and reflection about the ethical themes that the artworks bring to mind. As you peruse our various galleries, we hope you'll experience genuinely beautiful spiritual moments that will, indeed, allow the wisdom of the ages to take root in your own personal experienceand that will genuinely help to nourish, sustain, and uplift your own human spirit.”


Thank you for visiting PhotosForGifts.com—The Online Art Museum™. 
Sincerely, Paul and Sophia Lengyel Rogers