Our Mission

PhotosForGifts.comThe Online Art Museum™ is the creation of Paul Rogers and Sophia Lengyel Rogers, who live in Massachusetts. Our goal is to share a wide variety of inspiring works of art composed of beautiful photographs combined with powerful quotations—in order to "nourish, sustain, and uplift the human spirit for ALL people everywhere.” We believe that each and every person is always helping to write history through the choices we each individually make each day. We are deeply moved by the powerful words of the Rev. Paul S. McElroy: “Whatever we say or do, or fail to say or do, has such subtle and far-reaching influence that we can never tell what the result will be. Our shadows fall where we may never actually go. A deed or word may set in motion forces that change the history of the world.” We hope these beautiful words will also inspire you and your loved ones. 

At the very heart of our guiding philosophy at PhotosForGifts.com is our personal commitment to donate at least ten per cent (10%) of our net profits to well-managed charitable programs devoted to assisting other people who are mired in unfortunate circumstances and who are in need of a helping hand—a hand-up, so to speak, as opposed to a hand-out. We believe that from the Earth's abundant resources the human race does, indeed, have sufficient means—and that we need only to marshal the necessary firm commitment and resolvein order to assist everyone in enjoying a reasonable opportunity to experience nourishment, fulfillment, and positive achievements in life.

Even though the world may sometimes seem to be awash in violence, destruction, and despair, we also believe that it is critically important for each and every person—especially those who are privileged in any way—to maintain faith in our individual and collective ability to help “change the history of the world” for the better. We hope you’ll experience genuine nourishment and inspiration while exploring our art galleries and that you’ll remember to tell your family, friends, and acquaintances about PhotosForGifts.com. Thank you for visiting with us today; we hope you’ll visit again real soon and that you’ll find inspiration and nourishment on each and every visit.

“Blessed are those who have enough and are aware that they do have enough, for there are many among us who do not have enough and many others who do have enough but do not appreciate that reality. One of life’s most fundamental—and also most elusive lessons—is that true wealth lies not in having more but in having enough. May those who do have enough rejoice and be thankful, and may each of us always honor and respect the secret struggle of every other person living anywhere on Earth.”

Thank you for visiting PhotosForGifts.com—The Online Art Museum™. 
Sincerely, Paul and Sophia Lengyel Rogers