In order to make its rich treasure of stunning artworks more readily available to everyone, The Metropolitan Museum of Art has released to the public thousands of digital images of its massive collection—free of any copyright restrictions. We have decided to add some of these beautiful CCO artworks to our galleries, in furtherance of our core mission to ”nourish, sustain, and uplift the human spirit of ALL people everywhere.

These beautiful artworks from The Metropolitan Museum of Art certainly reflect the spirit of our core mission, and they remind us of these eloquent words of Reverend Paul McElroy:

”Whatever we say or do, or fail to say or do, has such subtle and far-reaching influence that we can never tell what the result will be. Our shadows fall where we may never actually go. A deed or word may set in motion forces that change the history of the world.”

These artworks from The Metropolitan Museum of Art are offered to you—and to all those to whom you may wish to make gifts on special occasionswith the fervent hope that the sharing of these beautiful artworks will nourish you and all others who, over time, will undoubtedly have many opportunities to appreciate them, either as their gifts from you or as the unusually powerful wall art adorning your own home or workplace.

With our elegant Nielsen frames, these extraordinary and unique artworks will undoubtedly become treasured keepsakes for many years and many generations to come.