Over the eons during which humans have occupied planet earth, we‘ve shared space and time with an incredibly diverse species of animals, each of which “while dancing with its own beauty” has taught us that ”God sleeps in minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in...[humans].” Even the bees have taught us that “true progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.” In our innermost soul, we humans have always known ourselves to be one with all being.

These stunning photographs of Animals are offered to you—and to all those to whom you may wish to make gifts on special occasions—with the fervent hope that the sharing of these unique artworks will enrich the lives of both you and all others who undoubtedly will, over time, have many opportunities to appreciate them, either as their gifts from you or as unusually powerful examples of wall art adorning your home or workplace. With our elegant Nielsen frames these extraordinary gifts of unique artworks will become stunning keepsakes for many years to come.

Please note that PhotoPrints™ have an accompanying quotation while SoloPhotos™ do not have an accompanying quotation.