With the many streams, valleys, and gorges scattered over the face of planet earth, it became necessary over time for humans to cross from one side to the other side. We quickly perceived the necessity of ”crossing to the other side,” and we adroitly developed the ability to construct functional and astonishingly beautiful bridges, while learning in the process that “we can be creative in anything—in science, math, engineering, or philosophy—just as much as...in music, painting, or dance.” 

While previous generations have built many “landmarks” of civilization—homes, workplaces, bridges, dams, highways, railroads, cathedrals, and other public monuments—fortunately for us they created impressively beautiful structures. “Building a castle has always been better than building a house of cards,” and the result is that we now feel both awe and inspiration at this rich heritage of landmarks. From Stonehenge to the entrance to the Louvre in Paris—from the stunningly beautiful cathedrals that have long graced our cities and towns—down to our modern museums and skyscrapers—this astonishing heritage has generated admiration, awe, and inspiration throughout the ages.

These stunning photographs of Bridges, Buildings, and Monuments are offered to you—and to all those to whom you may wish to make gifts on special occasions—with the fervent hope that the sharing of these unique artworks will enrich the lives of both you and all others who undoubtedly will, over time, have many opportunities to appreciate them, either as your gifts to them or as the unusually powerful wall art adorning your home or work place. With our elegant Nielsen frames, these extraordinary gifts of unique artworks will become stunning keepsakes for many years to come.

Please note that PhotoPrints™ have an accompanying quotation while SoloPhotos™ do not have an accompanying quotation.

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