The Central Mission of

The Central Mission of

April 18, 2021

Although beautiful artworks have always entertained and influenced humans the world over from our earliest days on Planet Earth, at our central, underlying, and compelling mission is to combine beautiful art with powerful quotations in ways that will engage your mind, your values, and your emotions so viscerally deep that you will be intellectually and emotionally moved to recognize and appreciate that you, too, have unique gifts that can every day help to shape the world in which we all live and which future generations will inherit from us.

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How Adult Appreciation of Art Influences Children

How Adult Appreciation of Art Influences Children

July 11, 2020

The artworks featured on are powerful influences not only on the adults who observe the artworks themselves but also on the children who are observing the adults.

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The Unique Artworks of

The Unique Artworks of

July 10, 2020

The substance and format of all artworks featured on PhotosForGifts.comThe Online Art Museum™ have emerged from the long-standing dream of Paul Rogers and Sophia Lengyel Rogers to find a way to help “nourish, sustain, and uplift the human spirit.”

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Prehistoric cave painting in Grotte de Sabart, France (Item No. believed to be between 11,000 and 17,000 years old.

The Role of Art Throughout Human History

July 09, 2020

From our distant past—even before the “dawn of history”—human beings have always exhibited an apparently deep-seated need for artistic expression. We have consistently over the intervening centuries—in all parts of the world—repeatedly made extraordinary efforts to shape our environment above and beyond what was necessary to secure the minimum requirements for survival.

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