In 1972, Paul Rogers discovered in California a document entitled ”A Prayer for Children written by an anonymous author. Over the intervening years—in order to honor the births of his own children and grandchildren—Paul has edited and re-written portions of the prayer, and he has also added the photographic images. Paul and Sofia Rogers both firmly believe that if we humans would unselfishly give to all childreneverywherethe love and care they deserve, the human race could and would be fundamentally changed within even one generation.

These 26 stunning editions of our Prayer for Grandchildren™ are offered to you—and to all those to whom you may wish to make gifts on special occasions (and especially to all grandparents everywhere)—with the fervent hope that the sharing of these uniquely profound and prayerful artworks will nourish you and all others who, over time, will undoubtedly have many opportunities to appreciate them, either as gifts from you or as the unusually powerful wall art adorning your own home or workplace.

With our elegant Nielsen frames, these extraordinary and unique artworks will undoubtedly become treasured keepsakes for many years and many generations to come.